Monday 11 July 2011

Writer and the pen.

     9678534551, I got a call from this number last night around 2 a.m. There was no voice on the other end but i could hear silent sobs.I held the phone for an hour or so, close to my ear and the only noises audible were, violent gasps.It was frightening.I was alone in my room lying on my enormous bed communicating with the stranger on the phone but without...without the use of words.It wasn't even clear if it was a woman or a man's cries and whispers.Somehow I got attached to the weeper and refused to listen to my head prodding me to hang up.After another hour, my hands began to pain and i finally decided to disconnect when suddenly, i heard a few crystallized words.My drowsiness instantly disappeared.My curiosity reached it's peak.I softly yet distintctly yelled, "Hello...hello...pardon...i beg your pardon...hello...hi, this is Shreya...may i know your name..."There was complete silence on the other end for three to four minutes.My patience was lost.I was furious, intrigued, irritatated...and a medley of other juxtaposed emotional states seized my troubled mind.Suddenly i heard my father's voice who was perhaps woken up by my fits! But that was for a few seconds.I'm sure he was more interested in a deep slumber unlike me! Last night i discovered something about myself.That i was commonly known to my family as a sleep-addict, was in reality, a popular myth! Perhaps the inner recesses of my mind were perenially in search of mysteries which could take my breath away and sleep was only a monotonous substitute! Last night did turn out to be a good night! I indeed felt like a popular sleuth who was hired in order to solve one of the most curious cases possible!
     The next minute,I found myself sitting straight on my bed with my cell phone glued to my strained ears! This time i didn't say a word as i was certain that a little more patience would yield results.Finally i heard something inviting.Yet i could hardly gain anything substantial  since the volume seemed to be at the minimum level.Somehow, I could make out, it was a tune that was being played.It seemed to be quite a familiar tune perhaps composed by one of the eminent classical musicians... but the composer could not take my mind off the real game! My aim must not be lost! "I HAD TO DECIPHER THE IDENTITY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS OR..."I didn't know.I was in a state of stupor, a bit wearied but interested! The music cast a magical spell on me. It seemed to be emitting from the Lotos Land...dreamy, lulling, entrancing. For some seconds i was lost in the melody when suddenly,i realized that i was actually sleeping still holding the phone loosely in my hands.I was frenzied. I tried very hard to figure out if what i rememebered, was in reality, a dream or not. I felt intoxicated but never surrendered. I quickly checked the call log from the menu in my phone to clarify my doubts. I did remember the number partly and i didn't want the episode to be simply one of my frequent figments of imagination. I was frantically looking for the number which i couldn't find. That meant, i had wasted the entire night depriving myself of my dear slumber which is usually adorned with fascinating dreams. That particular moment, another realization dawned on me about myself again...that i was after all, a merry and blessed sleep-addict and considered myself to be very fortunate given sound sleep has become a rare phenomenon in the 21st century owing to abundant stress and shattered expectations. Consoling myself in this manner, as i positioned my gait in the most relaxing posture to resume my sleep, i could feel something was vibrating between my sheets. It was my Samsung T335. I was groping for it frantically in the dark and when i found it, my eyes were gaping at  the number 9678534551 which seemed to flash like lightning. Sleep, dreams immediately took the back seat of my mind.It was 3.45a.m. and this time,i jumped off my bed, carried the phone with me to the wash-basin where i quickly splashed my face with cold water in order to be immensely mindful. Anxious about losing the line, i quickly pressed the 'answer' button and said in a commanding tone, "WHO THE HELL IS THIS...SHOOT..." Perhaps it was the tone i applied that did it! A shrill voice replied with a "Hmmm..." I was about to use a few minor expletives but before i could do it, the voice trembled as it gathered momentum in speech "i...i am not unknowm to you...(silence)...yes, i'm not unknown to you because you know me so well...yet (pause)...yet you never care. After such a brief span of time, you deserted me.Have you no love left for me anymore?...i cannot forget the times when i was your sweet companion and travelled far and wide in your company.You consulted me before each and every move you made me feel so special...special...wanted...loved.Today i remain near you but never with you as your interest has shifted.I have no complaints...only deep agony that i have suppressed  for ages as it were...But o worry, I won't ask you to do a thing for me.Perhaps its too late and also perhaps you aren't concerned anymore.Sorry for not being able to trouble you further...i only wish i was capacitated to do it.Anyway, Good Luck and Good Night...ooops...Good Morning..." and the phone was disconnected.All this while i was as silent as the grave given the graveyard-like ambience amidst which i was completely lost. I was not satieted at all and instantly dialled the number which i saved by the name 'Voice' but failed to reach the owner of the 'Voice'.The gadget which then seemed like an indispensable electronic creation most annoyingly announced from the other end, "THE NUMBER YOU HAVE DIALLED IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE.PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER"


  1. Wow , what a phone call and @ this very hour ..quite intriguing making one to think ..
    " how I would hv reacted in this state ".
    you expressed the inner emotion of the hour so beautifully.

    Loved the post.
